INFINITE U – Abundance of Mind

November 22, 2009 – 2:00-6:00 pm,

Tuition: $25; at the
Center of Light, 8123 E 48th St, Tulsa, OK
Map Quest Link:
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, autumn is the time for us to journey inward and and survey the year’s triumphs and challenges. It’s time to step back and make those final adjustments on our control panel to achieve the landing we dreamt of at the beginning of the year.
What is limiting you from your dreams? Why does it seem that every day is a continuation of a “theme” that has played over and over again.

Break the cycle! Reclaim control! Only you can make the decision to steer a course to that magnificent future!

Come join us! Meet some fellow questerians!

Those, just like you, that are on a Quest to the FABULOUS!

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